Vidwan-ID : 167100

  • Dr Ragunath K P

  • Assistant Professor
  • Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Publications 1999 - 2023


  • 42
    Journal Articles
  • 11
  • 24
  • 9
  • 12
  • 2
  • 6

Citations / H-Index

46 Citations
3 h-index
51 Citations

Google Scholar

Co-author Network


Soil Science

Soil Science, Agricultural Chemistry, Pedology and Applications of Remote Sensing & GIS

Personal Information

Dr Ragunath K P

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Lawley Road
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India - 641003


  • Assistant Professor

    Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

    Tamil Nadu Agricultural University


  • Ph.D

    Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Honours and Awards


Best Teacher Award

Tamilnadu Agricultural University


Best paper presentation award - International conference on Recent advances in science, Engineering and Technology

Asian Society for Academic Research


Best Research paper award - International conference on Recent advances in science, Engineering and Technology

Asian Society for Academic Research


Best Teacher Award

Tamilnadu Agricultural University


Best paper presentation award - International conference on Recent advances in science, Engineering and Technology

Asian Society for Academic Research


Best Research paper award - International conference on Recent advances in science, Engineering and Technology

Asian Society for Academic Research

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Membership In Professional Bodies

Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Life Member

Madras Agricultural Students Union

Life Member

Indian Society of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning

Life Member

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Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Life Member

Madras Agricultural Students Union

Life Member

Indian Society of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning

Life Member

Association of Agro meteorologists

Annual Member

Indian society of soil science

Annual Member

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Membership In Committees


TNAU automation

Deputy Nodal officer


Undergraduate Admission

Committee Member


Diploma Admission

Committee member

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TNAU automation

Deputy Nodal officer


Undergraduate Admission

Committee Member


Diploma Admission

Committee member


Institue Development Project

Purchase committee member, Selection of International Training for students ā€“ Scrutiny committee member


TNAUSMS website

Development and maintenance

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Research Projects

Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project (TNIAMP)

Funding Agency : World Bank

Space technology for Groundnut area and Yield estimation for Insurances

Funding Agency : SUFALAM

Developing a methodology and interface for spatial maize crop production estimation using Crop simulation model

Funding Agency : NRSC, Hyderabad

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Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project (TNIAMP)

Funding Agency : World Bank

Space technology for Groundnut area and Yield estimation for Insurances

Funding Agency : SUFALAM

Developing a methodology and interface for spatial maize crop production estimation using Crop simulation model

Funding Agency : NRSC, Hyderabad

Remote sensing based information for crop coverage, yield estimation and drought monitoring

Funding Agency : GOI-RKVY

Land degradation Mapping (Second Cycle) in Tamil Nadu

Funding Agency : NRSC, Hyderabad

Creating GIS database of soil nutrient status and generating nutrient maps with cadastral base in six selected blocks of Tamil Nadu

Funding Agency : GOI-RKVY

Region based recommendation to improve coconut production through remote sensing and GIS

Funding Agency : GOI- Coconut Development Board

Training on Hi-tech commercial nursery for upliftment and prosperity of self help groups and tribal of the Lower Pulneyā€™s in Tamil Nadu

Funding Agency : NABARD

Advanced techniques and management practices for Mandarin cultivation in the Lower pulney hills of Tamil Nadu

Funding Agency : NABARD

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